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Discussion Paper: Free/Libre Open Source Software und Sustainable Development Cooperation

Discussion Paper: Free/Libre Open Source Software and Sustainable Development Cooperation

The discussion paper can be downloaded in German (PDF, 226 kB) or English (PDF, 220 kB) language.

White Paper LMIS (Labour Market Information System)

White Paper LMIS

The "Labour Market Capability Framework" (LMCF) is a holistic approach which includes all available formal sector data sources of a national economy and education system.
LMIS describes the development of economic sectors and contrasts it with the current and future labour force. Matching "supply & demand" is also conducted through analysis of current and past employment.
LMIS identifies fields of action for decision-makers and consultants in order to facilitate tailor-made labour- and education-measures that will help preparing the labour force in a sustainable way for the requirements of the labour market. In addition LMIS monitors efficacy of measures.
Trends and developments form the basis for in-depth studies and surveys.
Surveys deepen the insight to trends and development.
Our approach to data collection also involves several institutions and administrative bodies as stakeholders.

The White Paper can be downloaded here (PDF, 269 kB).

Der APO-Coach, Praxis-Buch Lernprozessbegleitung

Buchcover, Der APO-Coach

Workshops for the Advanced IT Training System (ISO 17024)

Mike Finsch, Jele Oppermann: Der APO-Coach, WBV, 2006