Highly valued topics
Open Source
Using Open Source Software is not only a strategic decision (independence from supplier restrictions, quick response to security issues, flexible operation, dynamic developer teams).
Also monetary consideration plays a decisive role (saving of expenses when using free of cost licenses, free updates and patches).
Last but not least Open Source is a social determination (liberal license policy, high value and free accessible documentations, prompt and free support by the "Open Source Community").
Not just, but particularly for developing countries these are convincing arguments.
See our Discussion Paper
See Free Software Foundation Europe's Public Money? Public Code! Modernising Public Infrastructure
with Free Software
Sustainable development for us is more than idle talk used as an empty phrase in projects. Using the term in an excessive and inapt way indeed spreads the word, but at the same time it dilutes meaning and concept.
Sustainability (sustainabledevelopment.un.org) is more than sole technical longevity.
Bearing solutions, in means of economic, social and ecological persistence, presume sensible planning and participation of stakeholders.
That is why we are involved here
The nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation provides the essential infrastructure for free knowledge. It hosts Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia, created, edited, and verified by volunteers around the world, as well as many other vital community projects.
Digital Principles
We endorse the Principles for Digital Development
Digitalization and Sustainability
We support the demands formulated by Bits & Bäume
Emergency measures for environmental protection
We have undertaken to comply with the declaration Einfach Jetzt Machen (Just Do It Now)
The signatories of this declaration undertake
- To refrain from domestic flights and from flights for journeys of up to 1,000 kilometres.
- To minimise energy consumption in all operating facilities and to obtain the remaining electricity requirement from 100% green electricity.
- To refrain completely from meat from conventional, industrial production and to use, as far as possible, only organically, seasonally and regionally or fairly produced food for catering and hospitality.
United Nations
The United Nations Association of Germany, UNA-Germany (Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen – DGVN), is a registered, non-profit association that promotes the United Nations and the vision of a peaceful and just world.