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Multi-level Projects

Samples of successfully implemented multi-level projects

Management Information System for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Needs Assessment, Requirements Analysis, Planning of Software and Database, Compilation of Tender Documents (Hardware and Application Development), Definition of Award Criteria, Support during Awarding Process, Monitoring of Development, Training

Labour Market Information System for the Rwanda Development Board

Feasibility Analysis, Initial Data Analysis, Planning of Software and Database, Application and Database Development, Engineering of Data Collection Software for several Stakeholders, Development of Routines for Data Integration and Integrity checks, Compilation of the Statistical Reporting System, Development of Feed-back Routines on Data Quality for Stakeholders, Working Process Oriented Training of Interns in the Context of a Trainee-Programme
Read more about LMIS on  sustainability-21.de 

Needs and Feasibility Assessment and Roll Out Scenario for Labour Market Related Management Information System, Ministry of Labour, Zambia

Needs Assessment, Feasibility Analysis, Working Process Analysis, Initial Data Analysis of Stakeholders, Inclusion of National and Regional as well as International Indicators, Scenario and Roll Out Planning, Hardware Requirements. 5-year Strategic Plan for Labour Market Information and Statistics (2018 – 2022)

Members and Project Management for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Republic of Moldova

Needs Assessment, Working Process Analysis, Initial Data Analysis, Planning of Software and Database, Compilation of Tender Documents (Hardware and Application Development), Definition of Award Criteria, Support during Awarding Process, Monitoring of Development and Implementation

TVET eLibrary, Kyrgyzstan

Positional Audit, Status Quo Analysis, Target Concept including a Stakeholders Workshop, Planning and Development of Software and Database, Training
Read more about TVET eLib on  sustainability-21.de 

Accreditation of Vocational Schools and Professional Education, Kyrgyzstan

Accreditation Monitoring, Councelling Service for Accreditation Agency, Analysis of Training Needs for Appraisers, Profitability Evaluation, Sustainability Consideration

Feasibility Study Social Security, Reserve Bank of Malawi

Report on feasibility and preconditions for a Centralised National Pension Database System. Implementation of a biunique ID for employees, data analysis, database and application planning

E-government Tajikistan

7-year roadmap for e-government implementation. Including readiness assessment, compilation of tender documents and evaluation of bids

Digitisation of TVET Certification, Sierra Leone

Needs analysis, planning of integrated certification software, requirements specification (hard- and software), shortlist of domestic firms

Roadmap Digitalisation in Education, Tajikistan

As-is analysis, needs analysis, creation of roadmap including action plan, bill of quantities, Implementation, Ttraining of trainers

Digitalisation of vocational education and training in Uzbekistan

Actual analysis, needs analysis, stakeholder workshops, creation of ToR for document, information and learning management system